Extremities (film)

Extremities is a 1986 American thriller film starring Farrah Fawcett, Alfre Woodard, Diana Scarwid and James Russo. It was adapted from the successful, yet controversial, 1982 offBroadway play of the same name by William Mastrosimone, focusing on a woman who captures her stalker and rapist in her home and exacts revenge on him with her housemates.

Marjorie Fawcett is a young woman who works in a museum and lives with two female roommates, Pat Woodard and Terry Scarwid in Los Angeles. One night, while getting into her car, she is attacked at knifepoint by a masked assailant Russo, who forces her to touch him sexually.Marjorie manages to escape, but not before the mugger makes off with her purse. She goes to the police but is told there is very little they can do. One week later, while Marjories roommates are at work, her nightmare comes true as the assailant named Joe casually enters her house, having used her personal information to find out where she lives. ........

Source: Wikipedia